Connecting live events to the power grid to reduce their carbon footprint
At the head of a media ecosystem, agency, ecological endowment fund and media, Gaël Clouzard co-founded Goodd, whose raison d'être of this media is a journalism of solutions focused on new imaginaries. The editorial is rigged with the UN impact framework: the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The name of the media is also inspired by the SDGs: goodd = go odd
Editorial is based on 3 worlds: creativity, innovation and human sciences. The articles therefore revolve around new uses and behaviors, its ideas and its visualization. Goodd's mission is to inspire and provide the keys to a world in transition.
Catherine Lescure has been Impact and Communication Director at Enedis, a member of the executive committee, since June 2020. In particular, she led the transition of Enedis into an Enterprise on a mission in June 2023.
Between 2004 and 2016, she held the position of Internal Communication Director at EDF and then as Group Brand and Image Director.
From 2017 to 2020, she was EDF Regional Delegate in Île-de-France.
She joined EDF in 2000 as Chief of Staff and Communication to the Customer Director, in the context of the opening of the energy market to competition.
From 2017 to 2024, she chaired the Énergies Mixité network of the EDF group, which has more than 4,800 members.
A graduate of CELSA Paris-Sorbonne (1990), she started her career at Gaz de France in 1990 as a press officer.
After 7 years in the gas industry and then in strategy and management consulting, Chloé Mexme joined the EDF group 10 years ago. It has contributed to the success of several major industrial projects, in particular to Enedis, a subsidiary in charge of managing the public electricity distribution network in France.
In 2021, she took over the management of the Enedis project team in charge of connecting to the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games network, across the country, and securing their electrical supply (44 sites, 8,000 sites and operations) for a budget of €100 million.