What can tours do to meet the challenge of ecological transition? How to choose in order not to suffer? Faced with the question of environmental risks and impacts, and the difficulty that show productions have in identifying and reducing them, Ekhoscenes is launching the Project M.A.T.R.I.C.E*. Action research over 3 years to complement existing diagnoses, allow the cooperation of stakeholders, and initiate several experiments on all formats, from design to representations. Worn with Bleu Citron, Live Nation, S-PASS TSE, S-PASS TSE, Talent Boutique and W Spectacle, the Project M.A.T.R.I.C.E is aimed at all actors in the sector, and receives support from the State as part of the France 2030 “Supporting Green Alternatives 2” system, operated by the Banque des Territories (Caisse des Dépôts), as well as the support of the National Music Center.
* M.A.T.R.I.C.E stands for Current Music on Tour: Research and Innovation for Cooperation and Ecodesign.