
Content creator

Salle de presse
Wednesday January 29, 2025
10:30 - 18:45
Jeudi 30 janvier 2025
10:30 - 18:45
Vendredi 31 janvier 2025
10:30 - 18:45
Vendredi 31 janvier 2025
10:30 - 18:45
Content creators are speaking up to share their experiences.

The content creators share their journey, look back on the highlights of their live performances, and explain how, through their creativity and influence, they are supporting emerging talent. They also discuss how they navigate this universe as young professionals, while making sure to create a safe and accessible space for their community. These exchanges reveal their unique vision of the musical universe, combining resilience, inspiration and an authentic commitment to bringing out new voices.

A space that gives a place to everyone in the world of music and live

Marine LB
11:00 - 12:00

From idea to live experience — Designing and realizing your musical vision

12:15 - 12:45

Is resilience the key to achieving your goals?

Thea GS
15:00 - 15:45

Starting young in the professional world: between opportunities and vigilance

Alaïa Jeanneau & Elise CM
16:00 - 16:45

The impact of creators on the music scene of tomorrow

Khal Ali & Lea JPLF
17:00 - 17:45

Believe in yourself and persist in a difficult path

Thomas Goldberg
18:00 - 18:45

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Alaïa Jeanneau

Solar and authentic, Alaïa Jeanneau creates entertaining, engaging and spontaneous content on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. The next step? Put your commitment and energy on Twitch to support and guide young women in essential moments in their lives.


Élise, 22, who has been passionate about the world of cinema since childhood, takes over cult scenes from French movies and series in the form of a playback on social networks.


A former student at the University of Montreal in Cognitive Neuroscience, Léa is a content creator living between Paris and Brussels.

She has loved creating podcasts and videos for a few years now, around her favorite topics such as lifestyle, coffee, relationships, getaways, and fashion. All in the most benevolent way possible. She also has her own podcast, which is called Simple Caféine, with in particular her new filmed format Léa & Friends in which she receives guests.

Léa is surrounded by a caring community that is close to her. Moreover, its watchwords are: safe place, caring, S&S: healthy and simple.

Today, she has a strong community that follows her on her various networks to follow all her adventures.

Khal Ali

Khal Ali est un jeune homme captivant, sincère et spontané déjà bien ancré dans l’industrie musicale. Artistes musicaux et pop culture n’ont aucun secret pour lui ! Khal Ali partage avec sa communauté de presque 300K abonnés son lifestyle ; rythmé entre djeeing, échanges avec des artistes de tout horizon, concerts, festivals et vidéos analytiques à ce sujet. Que ce soit sur Instagram, TikTok, Youtube ou encore son podcast Topfan dédié à l’actualité musicale, Khal Ali puise sa force dans son goût pointu pour la pop, son expertise musicale approfondie, ses formats originaux et multicanaux.

Dans le paysage français, il est devenu le créateur de contenu référent dans l’industrie musicale et interview régulièrement de nombreux artistes locaux et internationaux, notamment grâce à la confiance que lui accorde les majors et autres acteurs de l’industrie.

Marine Lb

Marine, better known under the alias Marine LB, is a YouTube video maker dealing with everyday topics. She released her first videos while still studying in order to share her experiences and talk about topics that are important to her.

She herself a victim of generalized anxiety for years, she wanted to set up a space specially designed to welcome people like her: Maison Bulle.

Already present in several festivals and high-attendance venues since 2023 (Lollapalooza Paris, Mainsquare Festival, Delta Festival, GP Explorer 2 by Squeezie), Marine wants to generalize this initiative nationwide so that fear will never again be a barrier to fun and culture.

Théa Gs

Thea is a sunny and enthusiastic designer, always ready for a new adventure. It brings a real breath of fresh air. Present on YouTube for 10 years, Thea perfectly masters the codes of influence. Her spontaneity, her transparency on social networks and her ability to address sensitive topics such as anxiety and personal questioning make her a particularly relevant speaker to address the topic of resilience, and her key role in achieving goals.

Thomas Goldberg

Thomas Goldberg is 26 and still doesn't know what to answer when asked what job he does. He started his acting career in movies at 14, then decided to get into music at 23. Today, he has returned to the movies and is shooting this year. For almost five years, he has been addressing mental health on social networks, where more than half a million people follow him on Instagram. He has also written a book to talk about his career and mental health, while preparing a musical project. As he himself says, at 26, he still doesn't know what his real job is.


Antoine, 25, is a content creator with a passion for music, sports and gaming. He started making videos in 2021 and has managed to create a great community on his networks. He is also part of the “Les Jacksons” collective, where they create content combining humor and music.

Antoine has already released two musical projects and has even done a concert with the collective.

Vendredi 31