Originally from the Pink City, Maheva, singer-songwriter, plays

radiant vivacity, combining the energy of a Toulouse downpour with

Malagasy sweetness from its origins. Winner of a music competition

international in 2019, she flew to Los Angeles, but saw her

progress hampered by the Covid-19 pandemic. True to itself,

Maheva perseveres and turns to social networks, where she meets a

meteoric success.

Quickly, it federated an active community of more than 300,000 subscribers.

Its content, often liked, commented on and shared by artists like

Vianney, Orelsan or even BigFlo & Oli, now have more than 30

millions of views. Surrounded by a talented team, including Igit

(co-author of the title Voilà by Barbara Pravi) writing and Matthieu Tosi (Amir,

Vianney, Fréro Delavega...) to produce, Maheva relies on its two

biggest strengths: her guitar, which she never leaves, and her groovy voice and


Through her songs, Maheva highlights the different facets of her

life: his loves, sometimes successful (This time it's you), sometimes disappointed (Later),

her identity (Petite Geek), her origins (Bossa Nova/Mada Mifa), and her vision

full of utopia and hope (Life does not wait). His music, a solar pop,

unifying and heady, offers a modern and sincere look at variety


At only 22 years old, Maheva, a pharmacology student,

self-taught multi-instrumentalist and passionate about the stage, juggles brilliantly

between his two vocations. As she sings so well: “We have too many dreams

only to lose them along the way.”

After the success of his first EP With an H, released in June 2024 (+5M by

views on its content, +500K streams in three weeks, +50K subscribers

(all platforms combined), Maheva is back with new titles from

the fall of 2024. As a prelude to her album scheduled for mid-2025, she reveals

Plein le Coeur, a solar pop single with a catchy chorus that stays in the lead and

announces a promising new stage in his career, and recently

The singles “No Chance” and “Better Than Me” which captured attention

media and streaming platforms.